Double Page Graphic for Filter Magazine ISSUE 001
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Critics about public containers for used clothes:

︎︎︎Unsustainable transportation:
Often, used clothes containers are shipped long distances, which can increase their carbon footprint and contribute to environmental issues.

︎︎︎Displacement of local textile industries:
The influx of used clothing from overseas can make it difficult for local textile industries to compete, potentially causing job losses.

︎︎︎Lack of transparency:
It can be difficult to know what happens to the clothes once they are donated. Some organizations may sell them for profit instead of distributing them to those in need.

︎︎︎Harmful effects on local markets:
The donation of large amounts of used clothing to developing countries can have a negative impact on local markets by undercutting local producers and disrupting the local textile industry.

In der ersten Ausgabe werden die Geschichten und Arbeiten von 12 modetragenden Personen und Designer*innen aus dem Iran, Nigeria, Gambia, Palästina und Deutschland präsentiert. Wir haben uns die Brillen der verschiedenen Personen aufgesetzt, um Mode aus zahlreichen Blickwinkeln zu betrachten. Die Themen variieren von Selbstinszenierung und Rollenspiel über kulturelle Identität, Slow Fashion und Trendanalysen bis hin zu politischem Aktivismus